Comment préparer un cargo en cas de mer agitée

Comment trouver les meilleures offres de VOYAGES PAR CARGO SHIP ou de voyages par cargo ?

Comment préparer un cargo en cas de mer agitée

Prepare for cargo ship in rough seas You can book container ship voyages pretty much from anywhere to anywhere. Whether you are starting from Australia or New Zealand, Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, South America or small pockets within the continents like around the Mediterranean or the Caribbean in cargo ship. In addition, just like an airline, shipping companies offer one-way or return trips as well as segments of a long route. For example, the line I traveled on, connects Europe to Asia, which takes approximately two months. Given my time and financial restraints though for your navire de charge in rough seas, I choose to only book for a 4 week period in rough seas.

Comment trouver les meilleures offres de VOYAGES PAR CARGO SHIP ou de voyages par cargo ?

There are only a handful of freight travel agencies that can help you book a cargo ship holiday. For those that want to do everything by themselves, it is also possible to reach certain companies directly for a quote. CMA-CGM is one of the companies that actively advertises their transport de marchandises services on their website. To get specific information, sailing dates and quotes for most companies, however, you will have to send out an email and get in touch with local agents in navire de charge in rough seas. After doing a ton of research, and sourcing as much of the free information available online as I could, I used Freighter Travel from New Zealand. The owner, Hamish, was incredibly helpful to deal with and put up with all my questions and concerns from start to finish and prepare for navire de charge. We are talking more than 60 emails! What to say on your first email? estimated departure date Point A to point B (broader gives your more options) a budget Most popular routes book far in advance. Yes, you might think that nobody travels on a container ship but considering there are only 2 to 6 cabins available on each ship you might not get the route you want if you are not fast. Most agents recommend booking at least 6 months in advance to avoid bad surprises. It is also very important to have an idea of where, when and how much you are willing to spend before you reach out to someone. A very rough estimate for the cost of a navire de charge journey is 100 – 120 euro per day.


Steve Joury

Conseiller en voyages Cargo chez Cargoholidays
Passionné par le voyage lent et la mer. Steve connaît la plupart des routes maritimes et des procédures pour découvrir notre beau monde depuis la mer sur un porte-conteneurs. Il a participé à la plupart des voyages, de 7 jours en cargo à 140 jours à bord.
Steve Joury

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Voyager en cargo est une façon fascinante de voir le monde.