Navire de croisière transatlantique en provenance du Royaume-Uni

Navire de croisière transatlantique en provenance du Royaume-Uni

Navire de croisière transatlantique en provenance du Royaume-Uni

Transatlantic cruise cargo ship from uk you can Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine. You turn your head towards the water just in time to spot a pod of dolphins swimming by. After lingering in the sunshine for a while, it’s time to head inside for a 3-course evening meal and a splash in the pool before retiring to bed. Now, what kind of vessel are you on? No, you are not on a standard commercial bateau de croisière. This is no luxury liner hopping between Caribbean islands. It is a modern freighter. Hundreds of navires de charge, carrying everything from fire engines to apples, are crossing the world’s oceans and many are happy to take you along for the ride. A far more intimate and relaxed experience than you might imagine, the experience on board is a sharp contrast to the rough and industrial outward appearance a container ship tends to project in cargo ship from uk. You will be one of a handful of passengers (usually a maximum of 12) among a crew that is unlikely to number more than a few dozen. There will be no evening cabaret shows as on a standard cruise, though you may have access to TV, video, and board games in a common area on the ship where passengers may meet the crew. You might be invited to karaoke with the sailors and you will almost always dine alongside the captain, who is far more likely to turn up in shorts and a t-shirt than full uniform. Some cargo ships also offer equipped exercise rooms in Transatlantic cruise cargo ship. Here was our first taste of the wonders of voyage en mer. Our introduction to freighter travel was a relatively short 5-day sailing between Australia and New Zealand about Transatlantic cruise. We joined the French ship CMA CGM Utrillo in the busy port of Melbourne, where our luggage—including two bicycles and bags—were quickly hauled on board and into a spacious cabin by a host of cheery Filipino deckhands in Transatlantic cruise cargo.

Navire de croisière transatlantique en provenance du Royaume-Uni

L'une de nos craintes avant de partir était de trouver les journées longues. C'était tout le contraire. Il y avait trois repas carrés par jour (des assiettes copieuses de viande et de légumes pour les travailleurs) et le temps entre les repas était occupé par des promenades sur le pont et des voyages jusqu'au pont pour vérifier notre position et poser des questions sur la croisière transatlantique. Voir plus. Had there ever been stowaways? Yes, once a harmless passenger was allowed to board. What about pirates about navire de charge from uk? Not here but there were off the coast of Africa. And just how much fuel did a navire de charge need? Apparently $60,000 U.S. a day will cover it, in the current era of relatively low oil prices Voir plus. A Relaxing Way to Travel for Transatlantic cruise cargo ship With our curiosity temporarily curbed, we would return to our cabin for reading, journal writing, and maybe a bit of table tennis if we felt especially energetic. Far away from the hustle and bustle of life on firm land, we were truly relaxed. The experience was in complete contrast to our usual hurried airplane trips for Transatlantic cruise cargo. For Hamish Jamieson, the owner of Freighter Travel NZ and one of only a handful of travel agents in the world licensed to book tickets on cargo ships, the simplicity of being at sea is the main attraction Voir plus. "Lorsque vous êtes assis à l'avant de la proue du navire, seul, et que vous ne voyez que la mer qui passe et que vous entendez le vent et les vagues, vous êtes au paradis. Pour moi, un après-midi... assis à la proue, à regarder le monde passer avec mes jumelles, c'est mon paradis", a-t-il déclaré Croisière transatlantique Voir plus.


Steve Joury

Conseiller en voyages Cargo chez Cargoholidays
Passionné par le voyage lent et la mer. Steve connaît la plupart des routes maritimes et des procédures pour découvrir notre beau monde depuis la mer sur un porte-conteneurs. Il a participé à la plupart des voyages, de 7 jours en cargo à 140 jours à bord.
Steve Joury

Les derniers articles par Steve Joury (tout voir)

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Voyager en cargo est une façon fascinante de voir le monde.