Voyage d'un cargo à travers l'Atlantique

Voyage d'un cargo à travers l'Atlantique

Voyage d'un cargo à travers l'Atlantique

Voyage d'un cargo à travers l'Atlantique Voir plus For those that want to do everything by themselves, it is also possible to reach certain companies directly for a quote. CMA-CGM is one of the companies that actively advertises their freight travel services on their website. To get specific information, sailing dates and quotes for most companies, however, you will have to send out an email and get in touch with local agents for Cargo ship travel across atlantic.

Voyage d'un cargo à travers l'Atlantique

Working is strictly forbidden due to insurance regulations and flying is almost always going to be cheaper. So, most template emails are cautionary in that they are actively trying to discourage people that fall under those categories in Cargo voyage en bateau across atlantic. Voir plus So, you have picked your route, vessel, duration of trip and are finally booking it! I’m so excited for you already. The next step will probably kill some of your excitement buzz but it is a necessary one that will get you there safely. Paperwork about Navire cargo travel across atlantic. I can’t speak for all cargo companies, but CMA-CGM required approximately 12 forms to be filled out, signed, scanned and emailed back. Safety is paramount when we are talking about the shipping industry. When it comes to the booking conditions you are basically signing your life away. You cannot hold the company responsible if you fall and break your neck or whatever else may happen to you.


Steve Joury

Conseiller en voyages Cargo chez Cargoholidays
Passionné par le voyage lent et la mer. Steve connaît la plupart des routes maritimes et des procédures pour découvrir notre beau monde depuis la mer sur un porte-conteneurs. Il a participé à la plupart des voyages, de 7 jours en cargo à 140 jours à bord.
Steve Joury

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Voyager en cargo est une façon fascinante de voir le monde.