Pasajeros en buques de carga y comida a bordo de buques de carga

Pasajeros en buques de carga y comida a bordo de buques de carga

Pasajeros en buques de carga y comida a bordo de buques de carga

La comida cocinada a bordo depende totalmente del Jefe de Cocina, del interés que ponga el Capitán y de la nacionalidad de la tripulación. Si la tripulación es india, siempre habrá un cocinero indio y la comida tradicional india estará disponible, tanto vegetariana como no vegetariana. El Biriyani para el almuerzo del domingo es una tradición en los barcos con tripulación india. Lo que he visto con las tripulaciones multinacionales es una mezcla de comidas/cuisines, de nuevo dependiendo del cocinero Ver más. Quality and variety is invariably dependent on the Captain. If he is a food-lover, or is mindful of crew welfare (food is a huge factor in keeping morale high) for buque de carga food on board, you will get excellent food, subject to the limitations of the cook. If he is indifferent to crew welfare for Passengers on cargo, or has been dipping the Victualing Fund (happens less nowadays, but is not unknown), prepare to eat dal-rice for your contract about Passengers on buques de carga. After all the cook will take the easy way out if not pushed for Passengers on buques de carga and cargo ship food on board. It often feels as if the pandemic has aggravated many of the pressing issues relating to seafarers’ health, particularly seafarers’ mental health for cargo ship food, which has reportedly deteriorated as a result of COVID-19 Ver más. The implications of the pandemic for the shipping industry and its seafarers so far were extensively covered in previous ISWAN newsletters, where Mark Dickinson (Nautilus International), Natalie Shaw (ICS) and Dr Sue Stannard (Haukeland University Hospital) eloquently noted the unique challenges faced by seafarers as a result of COVID-19. This expert briefing will shift focus slightly away from the pandemic, albeit it is still in the background, and centre on an important ingredient that often impacts seafarers’ physical and mental health, namely, food on board. The aim of this paper is to present the issues surrounding food on board buques de carga and introduce a study that addresses some of those issues.

Pasajeros en buques de carga y comida a bordo de buques de carga

The ship as a workplace is an all-encompassing environment for seafarers, who work, sleep and spend their free time in the same location, the ship. Seafarers’ basic needs like shelter and food are generally provided while they work on board the ship, or at least as set out by the MLC8. All aspects of life on board are planned and tightly scheduled for all seafarers, with set mealtimes for all the crew working on board. Opinions on what counts as good or tasty food vary between seafarers as they would between individuals in any other setting ashore, but the difference between the ship and the shore comes down to the availability of alternative food options while seafarers are at sea. Seafarers have little or no control over the selection of food on board, and it is even more evident in long voyages where the ship’s provisions can run very low for Passengers on cargo ships if the unexpected happens or if there was no proper planning or budgeting for the voyage on Passengers on cargoVer más . An additional aspect of work relating to food worth mentioning relates to seafarers’ work schedules and shifts on board which often leads to irregular mealtimes about buque de carga food. While mealtimes are generally scheduled around the same time every day, seafarers’ shifts might not coincide with these mealtimes. This normally means seafarers need to reheat the food and often eat by themselves, or in cases where there was no food left aside for them, they will have to find something else to eat, and in some cases will be required to cook for themselves about buque de carga food on board.


Steve Joury

Asesor de viajes de carga at Cargoholidays
Apasionado de los viajes lentos y del mar. Steve conoce la mayoría de las rutas marítimas y el procedimiento para descubrir nuestro hermoso mundo desde el mar en un barco de contenedores. Ha estado en la mayoría de los viajes desde 7 días de viaje de carga hasta 140 días a bordo.
Steve Joury

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