Cargoholidays We represent many companies and the conditions which apply to each one can differ. We strongly recommend that you read the terms and conditions carefully before booking your trip.


As routes and ships are changing all the time it’s impossible list all of them on the website; if you have specific needs please contact us and we can quickly check if your proposed voyage is currently possible. When considering cargo ship travel it is essential to understand that schedules published are for guidance only. For many operational reasons schedules change and flexibility is paramount. Any associated travel arrangements should be booked on a flexible basis only. No liability is accepted by us or the shipping companies for schedule changes or delays; this is the nature of cargo ship operations. We advise against cargo ship travel if you have fixed date commitments to meet and we strongly recommend purchase of cancellation insurance in the event you are unable to travel on a delayed or changed voyage.

La maggior parte dei servizi è soggetta a restrizioni di età; in genere il limite inferiore è di 16 anni e quello superiore di 78 anni (fino al compimento del 79° anno di età). Un operatore (Grimaldi) ammette passeggeri da 5 anni (devono essere accompagnati) fino a 84 anni (fino al compimento dell'85° anno di età) previa certificazione medica e solo su viaggi selezionati. Le regole variano a seconda della compagnia di navigazione.

It is not possible to work your passage under any circumstances; as you would expect crew members are trained to a very high standard to ensure the safety of the vessel, cargo and passengers. Fares quoted are for the only cabins available for passenger use; there are no ‘cheap’ cabins (and no it’s not possible to bring your own food for a reduced fare!).

It is not possible to take accompanied pets on any cargo ships.

It’s currently not possible to embark or disembark as a passenger by cargo ship in India, Pakistan or (with the only exception of Jebel Ali) any of the Gulf States.

Certain voyages (eg transatlantic and Australia) are in high demand and do book up many months in advance. The further you are able to plan ahead the better your chances of securing a berth. When enquiring you need to have in mind your earliest and latest departure dates to give us the best chance of finding a suitable ship.

Most allow 20-100kg per person depending on the specific line; personal luggage is to be carried aboard and stored by you in your cabin. Commercial/household goods are not permitted under any circumstances and must be sent as freight.

You must be generally fit and able to climb the ship’s gangway and internal stairs unaided. Wheelchairs are not permitted, and there are no adapted cabins on cargo vessels for disabled use.

Shore leave is granted at the discretion of the Captain, where safe and operationally practical to do so, and not guaranteed nor contractual; you should consider this aspect carefully before booking.

Passengers have a varied background. A large proportion are mature travellers with around half of them being single but this type of travel is also popular with younger people seeking an alternative way to travel. The most common factor our passengers share is their love for the sea.

Being designed for a specific purpose; the ships do not have the same facilities as cruise ships. But then, that is the whole purpose of going on a cargo vessel. Cabins on cargo ships are comfortable spacious suites for 1-2 people. Passengers share the officers facilities (lounge and dining areas). Some ships may also have bar, swimming pool, gym and lift.

Food standards are generally good on cargo vessels, but not restaurant or cruise ship standard. Expect three freshly cooked meals a day (included in the ticket price) offering a well balanced and healthy diet. In between meals passengers have access to the pantry for snacks. Whilst specific dietary requirements cannot be met, with international crews most needs can be catered for in discussion with the cook.

As a place of work alcohol is generally not available, nor may it be taken on board for private consumption.

Across most operators the fares average around €150 Euros per person per day (en suite cabins and full board meals). All agents work from the same shipping company tariffs so shopping around is of no benefit, delays responses and causes confusion. Please do not ask us to start an enquiry if you are already in contact with another agent.

We accept payment in USD, Euro & GBP, Euro being the invoice currency. Prevailing exchange rates will be applied to deposit and balance payments as/when they fall due.

Many ships do now have access to internet and email. Where available this is likely to be charged for, subject to ships business taking priority. Where no internet is available there will be a facility for you to send/receive emails or telephone via satellite.

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