Günstigste Frachtschiffreisen aus Großbritannien

Günstigste Frachtschiffreisen aus Großbritannien

Günstigste Frachtschiffreisen aus Großbritannien

Günstigste Frachtschiffreisen aus Großbritannien Mehr sehen Although you won’t find luxury on a freighter, comfort is not completely out of reach. In fact, it’s not uncommon for these gigantic ships to offer a swimming pool, sun deck, library or bar. The cabins are often quite well equipped, too – with a bit of luck, you might even get one with a mini fridge and a TV or video device. Washers and dryers are available to the crew and guests as well. The ‘entertainment program’ is provided by the everyday goings-on for Cheapest Frachtschiffreisen from uk.

Günstigste Frachtschiffreisen aus Großbritannien

However, since a growing number of travel enthusiasts are seeking to experience the fascination of a weeks-long voyage across the sea with nothing in view but the horizon, more and more shipping companies have started offering travel opportunities as an additional source of income. A maximum of twelve guests is allowed to travel on board of a cargo ship, otherwise, international maritime requires the presence of a doctor in Cheapest cargo ship travel from uk. Mehr sehen So, you have picked your route, vessel, duration of trip and are finally booking it! I’m so excited for you already. Shorter and thus more affordable itineraries are available for booking as well, such as the rather manageable route on inland waters from Strasbourg to Dortmund in just six days for upwards of 540 euros. The prices cover transport, cabin and meals on board. Add to this the ‘port fees’ (embarkation and disembarkation charges) as well as the costs for various insurances – the latter being an important requirement. This insures travelers for the case that the ship has to stray from its course due to illness of a fellow traveler and the scheduled dates cannot be kept. When booking from a travel expert, this insurance is automatically included for Cheapest Frachtschiff travel from uk.

Folge mir

Steve Joury

Fracht-Reise-Berater bei Cargoholidays
Leidenschaftlich über langsame Reise und Meer. Steve kennt die meisten Schifffahrtsrouten und Verfahren, um unsere schöne Welt vom Meer aus auf einem Containerschiff zu entdecken. Er war auf den meisten Reisen von 7 Tagen auf Frachtfahrt bis zu 140 Tagen an Bord.
Steve Joury
Folge mir

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Reisen mit dem Frachtschiff ist eine faszinierende Art, die Welt zu sehen.