Alimentación en el viaje de carga y alojamiento en el buque de carga

Alimentación en el viaje de carga y alojamiento en el buque de carga

Alimentación en el viaje de carga y alojamiento en el buque de carga

Food on cargo travel and Cargo ship accommodation trip. Since there is no doctor on board, a deviation insurance is highly recommended. This insures travelers for the case that the ship has to stray from its course due to illness of a fellow traveler and the scheduled dates cannot be kept. When booking from a travel expert, this insurance is automatically included. In addition, a travel and liability insurance are essential: One can only imagine how a serious illness or medical emergency in the middle of the Pacific could end. Food cooked onboard is completely dependent on the Chief Cook, interest taken by the Captain and the nationality of the crew on Buque de carga accommodation. With Indian crew, you will always have an Indian cook and traditional Indian food will be available, both veg and non-veg. Biriyani for Sunday lunch is a tradition on ships with Indian crews. What I have seen with multinational crews, is a mix of food/cuisines, again depending on the cook.

Alimentación en el viaje de carga y alojamiento en el buque de carga

Quality and variety is invariably dependent on the Captain about Food on viajes de carga. If he is a food-lover, or is mindful of crew welfare (food is a huge factor in keeping morale high), you will get excellent food for Cargo travel, subject to the limitations of the cook. If he is indifferent to crew welfare, or has been dipping the Victualing Fund (happens less nowadays, but is not unknown), prepare to eat dal-rice for your contract. After all the cook will take the easy way out if not pushed in Buque de carga accommodation trip. Regarding the cooks themselves, I have sailed with chefs who were in Taj hotels, and cooks who couldn’t boil eggs to save their lives. The most annoying chefs for me were those who came on board, prepared a huge jar of masala, and then added it to EVERY SINGLE DISH that they cooked, making everything taste the same. So its your luck really, what kind of people you will get onboard. It’s not even necessary to forgo luxury when travelling on a buque de carga. Cabins all have en-suite bathrooms, and the ships have a swimming pool and sauna. Meals on board are excellent – and an added bonus is that there are no restrictions on how much luggage can be taken on board. If you’re tempted to reach your next travel destination by container ship, be prepared to bring a lot of time about Food on viajes de carga and Cargo ship accommodation trip for Cargo ship accommodation – and you will be rewarded with memories beyond comparison. Trade in narrow rows of seats, endless queues, tight sightseeing schedules and fleeting impressions for a newfound type of peace and quiet, a novel sensation of distance and the priceless luxury of getting to know the ocean in its most beautiful manifestations. Then all that’s left to do is marvel at the opulent shades of blues, greens and greys in which the ocean can present itself to the patient observer. Ver más


Steve Joury

Asesor de viajes de carga at Cargoholidays
Apasionado de los viajes lentos y del mar. Steve conoce la mayoría de las rutas marítimas y el procedimiento para descubrir nuestro hermoso mundo desde el mar en un barco de contenedores. Ha estado en la mayoría de los viajes desde 7 días de viaje de carga hasta 140 días a bordo.
Steve Joury

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