Frachtschiffreisen buchen mit cargoholidays

Frachtschiffreisen buchen mit cargoholidays

Frachtschiffreisen von den USA nach Australien

Sie können mit einem Frachtschiff von einem Hafen zum anderen oder rund um die Welt reisen. Das ist relativ kostengünstig (im Vergleich zu anderen Kreuzfahrtschiffen) und einfach zu machen, da immer mehr Frachterunternehmen Passagierdienste anbietenMehr sehen. Freighter Travel Most freighters only have room for a limited number of passengers, and, while you won’t be bunking with the crew anymore, traveling by freighter is still enough of an alternative mode of transportation to keep regular cruise tourists standing in the buffet line. Your accommodations will be quite adequate–sometimes even a reconfigured Captain’s berth! – and all your meals while at sea will be provided. But unlike a regular Kreuzfahrtschiff, you won’t find an onboard disco or gambling casino. On the other hand Mehr sehen, you may have more than one-night playing cards with the crew or sitting quietly on the deck watching the stars. Some freight ships have swimming pools!

Frachtschiffreisen buchen mit cargoholidays

the seven seas like a real voyager! WHERE CAN I GO BY FREIGHTER? You can travel from just about any major port in the world to any other port. Some freighters also go to places you’ve never even heard of Travel booking. Most lines have regular routes and transatlantic crossings. Frequently you can catch a “tramp” that has no fixed ports of call. Americans cannot travel between one U.S. port and another. From South America to Asia, the ships cross all of the world’s oceans with Cargo ship travel booking with cargoholidays. CAN ANYONE TRAVEL ON A FREIGHTER? No. Usually, the upper age limit is 79 Mehr sehen, the lower is about 5 years. These upper and lower limits may vary from one shipping company to another. If you are over 65, you will generally be required to get a medical certificate from your physician certifying you are fit to travel with Cargo ship travel booking. Pregnant women are usually not permitted for Reisen mit dem Frachtschiff booking with cargoholidays. If you have difficulty negotiating stairs, this will also preclude you from mit einem Frachter reisen. Since all of the passenger-carrying containerships are sailing under a foreign flag they are not subject to American laws requiring accommodation of disabled individuals with Reisen mit dem Frachtschiff. CAN I TAKE A SEGMENTED CARGO SHIP TRIP for Cargo ship travel booking with cargoholidays? Many people do not like to take a roundabout Frachtschiffreise voyage, having neither the time nor the money. Segmented trips are possible with a stopover in port for as long as you want. You can resume your voyage or fly home by plane in Frachtschiff. These kinds of voyages are popular with people who only have a couple of weeks to travel with Travel booking, and only want to spend some it at sea.

Folge mir

Steve Joury

Fracht-Reise-Berater bei Cargoholidays
Leidenschaftlich über langsame Reise und Meer. Steve kennt die meisten Schifffahrtsrouten und Verfahren, um unsere schöne Welt vom Meer aus auf einem Containerschiff zu entdecken. Er war auf den meisten Reisen von 7 Tagen auf Frachtfahrt bis zu 140 Tagen an Bord.
Steve Joury
Folge mir

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Unterkunft auf einem Frachtschiff mit cargoholidays
Frachtschiffreisen von den USA nach Australien



Reisen mit dem Frachtschiff ist eine faszinierende Art, die Welt zu sehen.