Frachtschiff-Kreuzfahrten Kabinen zum Reisen mit Fracht um die Welt

Frachtschiff-Kreuzfahrten Kabinen zum Reisen mit Fracht um die Welt

Frachtschiff-Kreuzfahrten Kabinen zum Reisen mit Fracht um die Welt

Freighter cruises cabins to travel by cargo arround the world. The benefits are many. Fewer people are on board cargo cruises: On average, freighters take between one and 12 passengers in Freighter cruises cabins to travel by cargo; any more and they’d have to bring along a doctor. Plus, the cargo ships often port in less-touristy locales, not just overrun hotspots. In the case of a Frachtkreuzfahrt, it really is about the journey and not the destination about Freighter cruises cabins to travel in Freighter cruises cabins. Sometimes, rooms are even better than those on commercial cruises. There’s usually a small fridge, maybe a TV, sometimes even a sitting room. Bedding and hand towels are provided, and the steward will usually swing by for weekly housekeeping. Guests always get cabins with port holes or windows, though ships can’t promise unobstructed views in Frachtschiff-Kreuzfahrten. Is there Wi-Fi? Generally, no. A phone? There will be some sort of satellite phone for Frachtschiffkreuzfahrten Kabinen zum Reisen, but you’ll have to buy a phone card in Freighter cruises.

Frachtschiff-Kreuzfahrten Kabinen zum Reisen mit Fracht um die Welt

So for Freighter cruises cabins to travel by cargo arround the world, like, what do I do all day? Read, write, hang out on the bridge, play bridge, watch the world go by, think, chat with the crew, ignore the voices in your head, maybe use the time to learn a new language for Frachtschiffkreuzfahrten Kabinen zum Reisen by cargo. Who knows, it’s a slow-moving Frachtschiff. You could re-watch every episode of Sports Centers 30 for 30 on your laptop, if you wanted to. Be aware that beer and hard liquor is available, tax-free for Kabinen für Frachtschiffkreuzfahrten. I don’t need a surf simulator or putting green, but what sort of amenities can I expect? Most ships have a rec room, bar, convenience store, and swimming pool or whirlpool. Some even have a sauna and a gym. What’s the food like? Well, it ain’t an all-you-can-eat buffet, that’s for sure, but it really depends on the cook – a German chef might lean heavy on the meat and potatoes while a Thai one might roll with curry. You will be dining at the captain’s table every night, and eating the same cuisine as the crew. Mehr sehen

Folge mir

Steve Joury

Fracht-Reise-Berater bei Cargoholidays
Leidenschaftlich über langsame Reise und Meer. Steve kennt die meisten Schifffahrtsrouten und Verfahren, um unsere schöne Welt vom Meer aus auf einem Containerschiff zu entdecken. Er war auf den meisten Reisen von 7 Tagen auf Frachtfahrt bis zu 140 Tagen an Bord.
Steve Joury
Folge mir

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Reisen mit dem Frachtschiff ist eine faszinierende Art, die Welt zu sehen.