Reserva de viajes en buques de carga CON CARGO HOLIDAYS FREIGHT TRAVEL AGENCY

Reserva de viajes en buques de carga CON CARGO HOLIDAYS FREIGHT TRAVEL AGENCY

Reserva de viajes en buques de carga CON CARGO HOLIDAYS FREIGHT TRAVEL AGENCY

Adventure on the High Seas Aboard a Freighter How to Travel by Cargo Ship Around the World Cargo ship travel by Vancouver Travel through Vancouver by cargo ship in Cargo ship travel. Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine. You turn your head towards the water just in time to spot a pod of dolphins swimming by. After lingering in the sunshine for a while, it’s time to head inside for a 3-course evening meal and a splash in the pool before retiring to bed. Now, what kind of vessel are you on? No, you are not on a standard commercial barco de crucero. This is no luxury liner hopping between Caribbean islands. It is a modern freighter with Buque de carga travel booking. Hundreds of cargo ships, carrying everything from fire engines to apples, are crossing the world’s oceans and many are happy to take you along for the ride for Cargo ship travel.

Reserva de viajes en buques de carga CON CARGO HOLIDAYS FREIGHT TRAVEL AGENCY

A far more intimate and relaxed experience than you might imagine, the experience on board is a sharp contrast to the rough and industrial outward appearance a container ship tends to project. You will be one of a handful of passengers (usually a maximum of 12) among a crew that is unlikely to number more than a few dozen. There will be no evening cabaret shows as on a standard cruise, though you may have access to TV, video, and board games in a common area on the barco donde los pasajeros may meet the crew. You might be invited to karaoke with the sailors with Cargo and you will almost always dine alongside the captain, who is far more likely to turn up in shorts and a t-shirt than full uniform. Some cargo ships also offer equipped exercise rooms with Cargo ship travel booking VER MÁS . Here was our first taste of the wonders of viajes por mar. Nuestra introducción a viaje en carguero fue una travesía relativamente corta de 5 días entre Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Nos embarcamos en el buque francés CMA CGM Utrillo en el ajetreado puerto de Melbourne, donde un grupo de alegres marineros filipinos subieron rápidamente nuestro equipaje -incluidas dos bicicletas y maletas- a un espacioso camarote. VER MÁS . The Costs of Cargo Ship Travel Depending upon your destination (Transatlantic, Transpacific, South Seas, Worldwide, and other special combinations), your daily viaje en carguero costs will be about $100-$150 per day per person per day with a luggage allowance of approximately 30kg-100kg (66-220lbs) depending on the line you are taking. Generally, US dollars are the primary currency used on-board to buy soft drinks, snacks, beer, and toiletries. You can then use your credit cards at each of the locations you disembark with Buque de carga travel booking. Hospitality on Board Our next surprise was how quickly we felt part of the family with Cargo. Just moments after arriving, our fellow passenger (a French woman literally going “around the world in 80 days”) hinted that the captain was certain to throw us a welcome barbecue. “He does that for everyone new,” she said with a wink. Sure enough, the next evening was spent on the back deck of the ship, feasting on grilled fish and chatting with the seamen as the sun went down in Cargo ship VER MÁS


Steve Joury

Asesor de viajes de carga at Cargoholidays
Apasionado de los viajes lentos y del mar. Steve conoce la mayoría de las rutas marítimas y el procedimiento para descubrir nuestro hermoso mundo desde el mar en un barco de contenedores. Ha estado en la mayoría de los viajes desde 7 días de viaje de carga hasta 140 días a bordo.
Steve Joury

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