Wie wird man Passagier auf einem Containerschiff bei einer transatlantischen Frachtschiffreise

Freighter Travel is far more than simply getting from A to B as a passenger on container ship. If one has a project and needs to be free from distractions , nicely there are not many distractions out on the excessive seas. And to be truthful, it’s an expertise we might even do again. We didn’t even get a go to from King Neptune or a certificates for crusing throughout the equator.

It’s my dream to travel by cargo ship as quickly as in my life in freighter world cruises. It’s not even essential to forgo luxurious when travelling on a cargo ship. Cabins all have en-suite loos, and the ships have a swimming pool and sauna. Meals on board are wonderful – and an added bonus is that there aren’t any restrictions on how much luggage can be taken on board.

AdobeStock 397291307 - How to be passenger on container ship in a transatlantic cargo ship travel

Cabins are restricted in transatlantic cargo ship traveland the most popular routes may be sold out months ahead of time in freighter world cruises. You suppose you’ve seen everything about passenger on Containerschiff – from luxury liners with 5-star superior suites to sustainable hideaways with activity applications distant from mainstream tourism? But have you ever ever thought-about a visit in the ‘Container Class’ in Frachtreise? Organizational ability, flexibility and a hefty time finances are among the major necessities. These will be rewarded with rest and recreation, unconventional insights and sudden experiences.

In all , there are now about seven or eight regularly-scheduled weekly companies accepting passengers. In addition, there are frequent sailings to Australia and New Zealand, Südamerikaden Fernen Osten, den Westen und Südafrika. Reisen mit dem Frachter is also attainable in some smaller and/or third world nations.

AdobeStock 397092285 - How to be passenger on container ship in a transatlantic cargo ship travel

I’d prefer to travel from the north-east US coast (possibly New York,…) to a northern port in France with cma cgm freighter cruises as a transatlantic Frachtschiffreisen, Belgium, Netherlands, or Germany. Outside of the mental/health attraction of slow journey, it is rather more environmentally pleasant . Additionally in cargo trip, it is dearer than a flight, but you’re also paying for a quantity of days of lodging and food. When I read your reply it makes me consider that your just saying no to the Frachtschiff you’ve been on and other firms could enable it. But then once more I know less than you about this industry… in fact I know nothing.

We went on a four day cruise to the Bahamas and it cost us about $500. But possibly you can find some low cost offers on the market as cma cgm freighter cruises. You are right, it’s definitely a unique expertise. I wish I were not so prone to seasickness, this sounds incredible.

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Steve Joury

Fracht-Reise-Berater bei Cargoholidays
Leidenschaftlich über langsame Reise und Meer. Steve kennt die meisten Schifffahrtsrouten und Verfahren, um unsere schöne Welt vom Meer aus auf einem Containerschiff zu entdecken. Er war auf den meisten Reisen von 7 Tagen auf Frachtfahrt bis zu 140 Tagen an Bord.
Steve Joury
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Reisen mit dem Frachtschiff ist eine faszinierende Art, die Welt zu sehen.